Traducción inglés español

English version

¿Qué significa "jfranklin was the 10th son out of 17 in an ge that used to privilege thee firstborn son. j was , as noted in his autobiography, the youngest son of the youngest son for five generations back. he learned to read very early, but his formal education ended at age 10. at 12 he was his brother james apprentice in his print shop. in the same period, he would read tiressly and teach himself to write effectively. youn franklin discovered a volume of the spectator . which appeared in englad in 1711-12 and saw it as a means for improving his writing. he would read the spectator papers over and over, copy and recopy.he was a very intelligent mant with a sense of humor so he would satirize everything from funeral eulogies to the students of harward collegeA0" en español?

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